Wednesday, August 1, 2007


Competitions didn't go that well for me this year. Retooling my approach and going to pump out a few low budget flicks before trying to market some heavy hitters. Have two production companies expressing interest though its extremely slow going. Who knows.


Friday, July 20, 2007


Been awhile.. not much happening.

Got into the quarter-finals for the PAGE internation will see if I make the Semi's on the 30th. Will also get quarter-finals info from scriptapalooza on the 30th and Aug 1st for the Fellowship competition. Here's hoping we get some good news.

Quit WoW, as of a few weeks ago. Pretty glad about that. Construction on the house is going well and probably about a month left till its complete.


Monday, April 30, 2007


Beware below is a rant. I'm extremely pissed so the spelling will be messed up and I may not make any sense. It's also 2am. Lol.

Wtf is this bullshit. What's next burning books with violence in em? I'm sure the f'en bush admin would love for that to happen. Get rid of all the history books for one... isn't that what Hitler did? Sorry... i'm all for them taking some kid in and charging em with shit if he was a f3$#$#$#$ nut but this kid isn't and never been in trouble before. I mean shi4 if they read my work i'd be charged.. well.. i dont even wanna know what they'd charge me with. I bet me even commenting on this as a bad thing will in the future be considered criminal... where does that sound like.. oh yes.. the communist chinese.. good. I always wanted to work for crap wages 18 hours a day and then be censored on everything from milk to my personal thoughts.

Censorship is a slippery slope.. once you start we may never get these freedoms back. And I for one am not looking forward to working in retail when i find out I can nolonger write.

So inclosing. Spy on my IM's, listen to my phone calls, take my soda away on air planes, but dont mess with my freedom to write whatever I want when I haven't done anything wrong.

Blah I wish i didn't have to write crap like this, wake up.


Sunday, April 15, 2007

Horror script now in first draft!

Finished just a few minutes ago. About to do a full edit and to those out there that know me expect to see it in your email later tonight. I'm very happy with it.


Distracted but not giving up.

Horror script is about 90% completed. I need to finish two small scenes which I should get done tonight. Then I have to go through the entire script editing and cleaning up. Started a fresh game of the Sims 2 and well thats why I'm not done. Fucking video games. Anyways I got a week to finish this if I wanna throw it in any competitions this year IE the same ones I did with the comedy script.


Friday, March 30, 2007

The Begining.

Don't know why I started a blog but what the hell.

Current events (writing):
My comedy script is totally done and entered into two competitions...
Will also be sending one to next week.
It's in really good shape I think and hope to place well this year. *for those who dont know my comedy script's rough draft got into the quarter-finals of scriptapalooza last year so here's hoping it gets better this time*

My horror script is coming along well, rewritten about 45 pages of it so far. *and i thought it was going to be a short rewrite too, BLAH*

That's about all I have to report at this time, still MMO free which I hope I stay for awhile.
